I hope this email finds you well and the month of Ramadan has been a blessed one for you thus far. I would like to place two orders of the Gingerbread Masjid kit. This is such a great and creative idea; thank you for this! Please let me know if you ship to Toronto, Canada and what other info you require for payment etc. Thank you.
I would love to order two of the gingerbread masjids. Could you please let me know when it becomes available again (not necessarily for Ramadan). I live in NJ.
I hope this email finds you well and the month of Ramadan has been a blessed one for you thus far. I would like to place two orders of the Gingerbread Masjid kit. This is such a great and creative idea; thank you for this! Please let me know if you ship to Toronto, Canada and what other info you require for payment etc. Thank you.
We only ship within USA currently although we are looking into shipping to Canada soon!
Salaam will you ship to the UK? Thanks much
We currently only ship within US, sorry. Our next plan of expansion would be Canada.
This is a great idea! Awesome sauce! If you come up anything new, please send it my way.
Salaam!. When can I order the gingerbread masjid?. How much are they with shipping rates to Connecticut?.
JAK for your amazing creativity and hard work!
I would love to order two of the gingerbread masjids. Could you please let me know when it becomes available again (not necessarily for Ramadan). I live in NJ.
Thank you!
Hi Ghadeer
Please check back with us on Sunday or Monday. That is when we estimate we will start accepting new orders. Thank you for your interest!
How about to Yanbu, Saudi Arabia?